Oregon State University
and University of Oregon
Corvallis, Oregon and Eugene, Oregon

Our design for higher education laboratory projects runs across a wide variety of study fields. We have worked on lab renovations at both Oregon State University and the University of Oregon, ranging from High Temperature Test Facilities for radiation centers to controlled environment rooms and growth chambers. We have worked on renovations for research labs focusing on microbiology and biology, as well as renovations for laser labs and food labs for nutrition science.

The bulk of our work has been for research labs, as opposed to teaching labs. Our end goal for laboratory renovations is simple: meet the needs of each researcher and give them a space that supports their research. Oftentimes this includes tighter control of their environment which we accomplish by renovating and tuning the HVAC systems, lighting systems, and even providing isolated cabinets or rooms to maintain an elevated level of control.

At the higher education level, renovations are required to be institutional grade for durability and longevity. At the same time, the renovations must be flexible enough to allow for the natural changes that research brings. Many laboratory renovations projects have a mix of space types — prep spaces, teaching labs, and research facilities focused on a specific discipline. All laboratory renovations require a focus on material selections that are resistant to harsh chemicals. Mechanical and electrical systems design for higher education laboratories most often adhere to stricter parameters than other types of buildings.

Laser laboratories are a separate type of laboratory where the goals include vibration isolation and extreme light control. Additional walls and security systems are included to block all outside light and control access to the lab when experiments are running. HVAC systems are controlled for air volume, air direction, temperature, humidity, and vibration.

University Laboratories


Botany/Plant Pathology Labs
Microbiology Labs
Radiation Labs
Laser Labs
Veterinary Labs
Zoology Labs
Nutrition Science Labs
Other Labs